Local Knowledge and International Decision-Making in Development – Seminar Memo of Researchers’ and Practitioners’ Network’s meeting

Raportit Taustaselvitykset

This text is a documentation of Researchers’ and Practitioners’ Network meeting at Jyväskylä on 27th of March 2006. The theme for the year 2006 was “How to value and take into account Southern experiences and visions in the national and international development policy decision-making”.
The network was formed in 2004, and it is Kepa’s initiative to increase cooperation between the researchers and practitioners active in the field of development issues.

ISSN 1796-6469
Painetun version ISBN 952-200-037-X
Sähköisen version ISBN 952-200-037-X
Sivumäärä 13
Kieli Englanti
Kirjoittajat Mari Laaksonen (toim.)
Julkaistu 01.03.2006