China and other emerging actors in Africa

Raportit Taustaselvitykset

The rise of Chinese activities in Africa has undoubtedly been one of the defining developments on the continent in the 21st century. It has the possibility of opening new opportunities for Africans, but it can also been seen as posing significant threats for Africa’s sustained development.
In order to understand contemporary African processes, it is crucial to understand the various forms of this Sino-African relationship. This report presents the history, objectives and multiple implications of China’s activities in Africa and as such provides a starting point for understanding these complex phenomena.

ISSN 1796-6469
Painetun version ISBN 978-952-200-198-6
Sähköisen version ISBN 978-952-200-199-3
Sivumäärä 28
Kieli Englanti
Kirjoittajat Nuutinen, Johannes
Julkaistu 25.10.2012