Democratizing South-North Relations – Learning from the association between Lokayan/CSDS (India) and KEPA (Finland)


Comprehensive democratisation of South-North relations is crucial to long-term success in the struggle for a more just and livable world.

The overriding ambition of the enduring association between the Indian network organisation Lokayan, the Indian research institution CSDS, and KEPA (Service Centre for Development Cooperation) has been to contribute to the democratisation of South-North relations on all levels of society and to develop new methodologies for more democratic interaction between the South and the North. A significant component of this process is the dialogic method used between the partners.

The report provides insight into experiences gathered among both the institutions and individuals involved in this partnership and the activities carried out since 1989. It also includes an analysis of how these new methodologies can be applied to the work of other CSO’s.

ISSN 1236-4797
Painetun version ISBN 952-200-030-2
Sähköisen version ISBN 952-200-031-0
Sivumäärä 137
Kieli Englanti
Kirjoittajat Outi Hakkarainen, Susanne Ådahl (toim.)
Julkaistu 01.09.2006