3. huhtikuu 2025

Shifting the Power working group spring 2025

Työryhmä / verkosto

Aloituspäivä ja aika 03.04.2025 - 10:00
Päättymispäivä ja aika 05.05.2025 - 11:30
Ilmoittaudu viimeistään 02.05.2025 - 23:59
Paikka Varies
Yhteystiedot Eppu Mikkonen eppu.mikkonen@fingo.fi
Maksu Maksuton
Järjestäjä Suomalaiset kehitysjärjestöt − Finnish Development NGOs Fingo ry

6th February 10-11:30 at Lasipalatsin kahvila for introductions and then moving to Amos Rex. If you have a museum card, please take it with you! If you don’t have a museum card, we will cover your ticket

3rd April 10-11:30

5th May 10-11:30


The working group will operate in English and warmly welcomes non-Finnish speaking members and colleagues to join! The group focuses on the shifting power dynamics within development policy, as part of a broader global geopolitical transition that is reshaping the role of Finnish development organisations.

Our aim is to learn and explore new ways of working as a resilient, future-proof civil society. To inspire fresh thinking and open minds, we plan to meet in spaces that encourage creativity.

Our next meeting will take place on 6th February at Lasipalatsi Kahvila at 10 am, followed by a visit to Amos Rex and the exhibition by Danish-Palestinian Larissa Sansour when it opens at 11 am. Please bring your museum card if you have one – and if not, no worries, we’ll take care of your ticket!


Examples of work on shifting the power in 2024:

Vallansiirto – Fingo

Dreamweavers: Transition Design Workshops on Decolonising Aid – Fingo

Kuvitteluaktivismi: Rakennetaan kestävämpi maailma | TikTok