Greatest need for transparency, sustainability and stronger ownership – Civil Society’s Views on Funding in Tanzania

Raportit Taustaselvitykset

How would Tanzanian civil society organizations (CSO) improve funding for civil society? What are their greatest needs and concerns? What kind of donor-receiver relationship would be ideal? For example these questions were discussed with the 23 CSOs who participated in the funding assessment focus group meetings conducted by Kepa in Tanzania.

Results of these discussions are now available in this working paper “Greatest Need for Transparency, Sustainability and Stronger Ownership”. Initially the idea of the study was to assess solely three different funding modalities available for civil society in Tanzania: Embassy of Finland’s Local Cooperation Fund, Foundation for Civil Society grants and project funding for CSOs’ development cooperation granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The final working paper focuses also on CSOs’ views on improving their funding and donor-relations in general and on discussing what kind of funding arrangements would be ideal for civil society.

The publication also collects CSOs’ views on benefits and challenges of Local Cooperation Fund, Foundation for Civil Society Grants and MFA project support channelled through Finnish partner organizations.

It also offers CSOs’ ideas on how to improve and develop these instruments.

ISSN 1796-6469
Sähköisen version ISBN 978-952-200-241-9
Sivumäärä 32
Kieli Englanti
Kirjoittajat Kirsi Koivuporras-Masuka and Asna Mshana
Julkaistu 27.10.2015