
This Experiments Portfolio presents experiments that have been conducted by NGOs during the past few years as a part of Fingo Powerbank in Eastern African countries.

32 experiments.
  • Continue reading Chatbot to Support Victims of Domestic Violence

    Chatbot to Support Victims of Domestic Violence

    The experiment by Felm and its partners is part of a long-term collaborative project to build an AI-based chatbot AINO offering psychosocial support for victims of domestic violence in Tanzania. During the experiment, the organizations built a prototype of the chatbot and got relevant stakeholders on board to further the project in the future.

  • Continue reading Co-creating a Supportive Learning Environment for Children

    Co-creating a Supportive Learning Environment for Children

    Malawin Lasten Ja Nuorten Avuksi ry and its implementing partner Nyaudzudzu Junior Primary School, experimented on how to co-create a supportive learning environment for children, where the community joins to support every child to achieve required standards in essential subjects, in order to attain essential skills and remove barriers to school attendance, especially for disadvantaged communities in rural Malawi. 

  • Continue reading Communication Network Against Domestic Violence

    Communication Network Against Domestic Violence

    Filantropia and its partner United Religion Initiative – Great Lakes supported women to report cases of abuse in Uganda. They set up a pre-paid system to which women could send SMS or call by phone to report abuse and get support from trained volunteers. The experiment includes building the service and providing volunteers with mobile phones to govern the platform and build an internal communication channel to WhatsApp. 

  • Continue reading Community Media for Development

    Community Media for Development

    Finnish Foundation for Media and Development (Vikes) conducted a baseline report about the current state of Tanzanian community media. It reflects community media’s usage of digital solutions and examines existing standards and practices. The finished report – that can be used as a basis for future work – also presents new ways to utilize the combination of old and new technologies.

  • Continue reading Creative Entrepreneurship Training for Youth

    Creative Entrepreneurship Training for Youth

    Finn Church Aid Creative Industries team is developing a creative entrepreneurship training component that will be at the core of their future programs. They are designing both online and offline versions for the implementation. In the experiment, the team tested the component with urban youth in Uganda. A special focus is on youth living in poverty.

  • Continue reading Digital Data Collection on Disability Inclusion

    Digital Data Collection on Disability Inclusion

    Physicians for Social Responsibility and ANDSEA conducted digital data gathering among people living with disabilities in Kenya. The data was gathered to make recommendations to key stakeholders on the education sector. The information was shared with to other close stakeholders such as families, education institutes for the disabled and NGOs in the education sector. The experiment was implemented entirely by people with disabilities.

  • Continue reading Digital Data Collection Tools for Reporting

    Digital Data Collection Tools for Reporting

    Finland-Somalia Association tested digital data gathering tools such as KoBoToolbox, Google’s reporting tools possibilities and Excel’s automation and macros as an option to enhance reporting. Previously, the organization and its partners utilized manual tools for reporting practices – such as Excel forms. The experiment supported creating practices for time-saving and putting in place more enhanced reporting systems.

  • Continue reading Digital Data Gathering in Schools

    Digital Data Gathering in Schools

    LiiKe – Sports & Development and Sports Development Aid Tanzania used Ombea-group response clickers to gather information on various educational parameters: the situation of girls’ school attendance and life skills, early pregnancies, physical education, sports and many other things. The ultimate objective was to use the data to improve children’s academic performance in nine secondary schools in Tanzania.

  • Continue reading Digital Data Gathering on Community Radios’ Impact

    Digital Data Gathering on Community Radios’ Impact

    Finnish Foundation for Media and Development Vikes and its partner Jamii FM – a community radio broadcaster in Tanzania – gathered feedback on how Jamii FM’s programmes have been received by the communities. The data collection was done via Ombea audience response and data gathering tool. The feedback helped to understand the community radio’s impact and offered development ideas. By piloting the tool, other Tanzanian community radio stations can also take advantage of the experience and conduct data gathering in other areas.

  • Continue reading Digital Tools for Women Farmers

    Digital Tools for Women Farmers

    International Solidarity Foundation and its partners trained women farmers to utilize existing digital tools (e.g. Wefarm, Climate Edge and Safaricom) to enhance their livelihoods. 25 peer advisers were trained after which they trained a wider number of women farmers. The trainings took place in rural areas of Kisii and Nyamira counties.

  • Continue reading Digitization of Farmers’ Training Materials

    Digitization of Farmers’ Training Materials

    Fida International’s and Full Gospel Churches of Kenya’s experiment digitalized already existing training manuals for small-scale farmers through a training of trainers -model. The material was summarized and designed to be mobile-phone friendly. The NGOs partnered with a technology provider that built the technical solution. The aim was to improve farmers’ knowledge and skills.

  • Continue reading Digitization of Health Clinic Records

    Digitization of Health Clinic Records

    African Care digitized its health clinic’s records and built an SMS notification system for clinic consultation and treatment dates for patients. Now, it is easier and quicker to generate statistical data for the clinic’s internal use as well as for sharing with respective government departments. SMS notifications help to reduce the absenteeism of patients since they receive automated reminders.

  • Continue reading Enhancing Employability Skills for Youthful Persons with Disabilities

    Enhancing Employability Skills for Youthful Persons with Disabilities

    Physicians for Social Responsibility and its implementing partner ANDSEA-Kenya, experimented on how to enhance and elevate youthful persons with disability practical experience in using online platforms for skills training, job seeking and employment, entrepreneurship, tools for success, and moral progress among other key issue in Homa Bay & Siaya Counties in Kenya. 

  • Continue reading Enhancing Reporting of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

    Enhancing Reporting of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

    International Solidarity Foundation and Centre for Community Mobilization and Empowerment, Manga Heart, Bosinya Women Community Based Organization, and Nyamira North Women Sacco implementing partners experimented on how to address low reporting of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) due to lack of; anonymity in reporting, trust in existing structures; access to justice; and inadequate awareness of reporting mechanisms in Kisii and Nyamira Counties in Kenya. 

  • Continue reading ICT Training for Teachers

    ICT Training for Teachers

    Fida International and its partners organized trainings for 12 teachers from separate schools with the aim of developing their digital skills. After the month-long training, the teachers used the skills as tutors in their schools and shared the learnings with colleagues reaching 150 other teachers. The lack of teachers’ digital skills is an identified challenge in the delivery of the digital curriculum. ICT skills also help to access reliable information about COVID-19.

  • Continue reading Improving Accessibility of Ecologically Dry Toilet

    Improving Accessibility of Ecologically Dry Toilet

    Mifuko Trust ry and its implementing partner Mifuko Women Development Community Based Organisation (CBO) experimented on developing a community-led ecological dry toilet model that is not only affordable but also appealing for adoption and sustainable in rural Makueni County in Kenya

  • Continue reading Improving Participation of PLWD in WASH

    Improving Participation of PLWD in WASH

    Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland and Livingstone Green Initiative, Green Living Movement, Ukadzipalile Integrated Project and Network for Environmental Concerns and Solutions implementing partners experimented on a community-led approach to reduce barriers that cause the exclusion of persons with disabilities and other marginalised persons from WASH-related initiatives and services with an aim of improving access to appropriate sanitation facilities.

  • Continue reading Information Platform for Youth

    Information Platform for Youth

    All our Children and JIDI adjusted and integrated a mobile website to provide trustworthy information about civil rights and health services for young people in Tanzania. Prior, a similar website has been developed in Finland: Tienoo.fi that provides information about civil rights and various aspects of Finnish society and services.

  • Continue reading Involving Farmers in Action Research Development and Implementation

    Involving Farmers in Action Research Development and Implementation

    Food and Forest Development Finland and Tanzania Tree Growers Associations Union, Njombe Agricultural Development Organization, College of Forestry, wildlife and Tourism, Sokoine University of Agriculture implementing partners experimented on involvement of farmers in action research development and implementation in Njombe and Iringa regions, Tanzania.

  • Continue reading Making Reusable Menstrual Products Accessible

    Making Reusable Menstrual Products Accessible

    Fida International, with Women’s Choice Industries (a Tanzanian social enterprise designing and manufacturing reusable menstrual products), and Free Pentecostal Churches of Tanzania implementing partners experimented on addressing menstrual/period poverty with an objective of establish baseline situation regarding availability of reusable menstrual products, potential logistical challenges, affordability constraints, and cultural impediments to the broader dissemination of reusable products in communities in Tanzania

  • Continue reading Mobile Application for Cancer Screening and Case Management

    Mobile Application for Cancer Screening and Case Management

    Inter-Cultur and Strathmore University developed a mobile-web application in Kenya. The application enables community health workers and students to educate, raise awareness and enroll young girls and women for cervical cancer screening and case management. The project has engaged community health workers of Bungoma County Referral Hospital students from Strathmore and Kibabii Universities in Collaboration with the Ministry of Health-Bungoma County.

  • Continue reading Open University Courses on Agriculture

    Open University Courses on Agriculture

    Fida International and its partners conducted research about open university trainings in Kenya. The longer aim of the project is to enable higher education institutions to provide accessible education in agriculture through the open university -concept. The institutions would then offer certified trainings with low or no entry requirements and act as a gateway for citizens who want to capacitate themselves in a structured way.

  • Continue reading Radio School in Refugee Camps

    Radio School in Refugee Camps

    Finn Church Aid brought education to Kakuma and Kalobeyei refugee areas with radio lessons. FCA distributed 500 solar radios to the areas so that students could follow education while COVID-19 had locked schools. The organization also distributed flash-drives so that the children could record the lessons – making it easier to follow the fast-paced broadcasts. Moreover, the students and local teachers discussed the lessons in small groups.

  • Continue reading Reducing Community Health Burden

    Reducing Community Health Burden

    Filantropia and its partner International Orthodox Christian Charites (IOCC) in Ethiopia experimented on how to improve the health conditions of community members through disease prevention and treatment with an objective of reducing the burden of podoconiosis disease in Ethiopia Dembecha District.

  • Continue reading Reducing Open Defecation and Poor Handwashing Behaviours

    Reducing Open Defecation and Poor Handwashing Behaviours

    Child Hug Uganda – Finland ry and partner Child Hug Uganda, its local implementing partner, experimented on how to reduce the number of elderly people practicing open defecation and poor handwashing behaviours in Uganda Kole District with an aim of ending incidences of diarrheal diseases.

  • Continue reading Retaining Girls in School

    Retaining Girls in School

    Taksvärkki ry and its implementing partner Centre for Youth Empowerment and Civic Education, experimented on how to reduce school girls drop out by making the school environment attractive and motivating for girls through an integrated after school girls activities model in Kanongola Primary School in Salima District, Malawi. 

  • Continue reading SDG Awareness Raising via Online Media

    SDG Awareness Raising via Online Media

    United Nations Associations of Finland and Tanzania (UNA Finland & UNA Tanzania) built a social media campaign to raise awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among youth in Tanzania. The campaign focused especially on the Leave No One Behind principle. The campaign also directed youth to learn more about the topic on an already existing online course. The course had been built on the Funzi learning platform. During the experiment, participants also gained know-how on building a social media campaign.

  • Continue reading Solar Media Backpacks in Training

    Solar Media Backpacks in Training

    World Vision utilized Tespack’s solar media backpacks (including projector, loudspeakers and recharges with solar panels) to enhance the organization’s engagement with communities in Kenya. The experiment was conducted as part of World Vision’s various education, child protection, livelihoods and anti-FGM projects in rural settings. It provided indications whether solar media backpacks can boost learning results and communication in remote and hard-to-reach areas.

  • Continue reading SRHR Information via Chatbot

    SRHR Information via Chatbot

    Family Federation of Finland built an SRHR (sexual and reproductive health and rights) chatbot together with a Finnish startup Neuvo. The chatbot provides reliable, versatile and fact-based SRHR information via smartphones and web pages. The experiment focused on producing content for the chatbot and testing it. The contents are automatically translated into over 100 languages.

  • Continue reading Technology Inclusion to Cushion Project Gains

    Technology Inclusion to Cushion Project Gains

    International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) and its partners continued their interventions on female genital mutilation (FGM), gender-based violence and provided information about COVID-19 in Western Kenya. The experimentation utilized social media, Facebook lives and video illustrations as well as bulk SMS to reach people. With the use of technology, the experiment aimed to ensure that the results achieved via community initiatives prior to the pandemic are not lost due to restrictions on social gatherings. FGM and other sexual and gender-based violence have been on the rise due to COVID-19.

  • Continue reading Use of Tablets for Education

    Use of Tablets for Education

    How to share information about digital education in rural communities? Felm and its partner Nyakato Bible College organized trainings for college-going youth and provided them with tablets. The youth then visited rural schools with the tablets and shared information about online educational content. Students were also able to prepare for national exams with the tablets. 80 percent of the students who participated thought that the experiment was helpful.

  • Continue reading Youth Employability Platform

    Youth Employability Platform

    Deaconess Foundation, Somaliland Y-PEER and their partner Telesom built an app, Hiigsi, to support youth employment in Somaliland. The app is designed to work both on mobile phones and computer desktops. The long-term objective is to connect young people to employers, skill providers (NGOs, government institutions, companies) and mentors. Hiigsi means the horizon or a goal to be reached. It often refers to a younger person acquiring a promising skill or secure job.