
Partnerships That Deliver: Best Practices and Challenges Webinar

Building partnerships between the private sector and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is akin to assembling a puzzle, where each piece intricately fits together and contributes to a larger mosaic of success.  Such collaborations provide resources, including funding opportunities, that foster innovation, accelerate impact, and facilitate knowledge transfer. However, in East Africa, many NGOs have yet to explore this type of collaboration. 

Our guest speakers, Kennedy Odera from KCDF and Faith Mwaura, will discuss creating effective partnerships, best practices, and strategies for building win-win collaborations. 

Fingo Powerbank organizes events and training for development NGOs about innovations, technology solutions and private sector collaboration.

Date: Tuesday 28th of May 2024
Time: 14-15.30 (Helsinki/East African time)
Location: Online
Language: English
Price: Free

You are welcome to join us! Feel free to invite your colleague as well.