Welcome to study the basics of Project Cycle Management in Development Cooperation! This online self-study package is designed for all civil society organizations (CSOs) planning and implementing development cooperation projects. The aim is to support learning and capacity development of the CSOs, as well as to improve the quality and effectiveness of projects. The online material is also used in our face-to-face trainings as support and background material.
How can I attend the online course?
The online self-study package is free of charge and open to everyone interested in development cooperation. It is divided into seven topics, and all parts include texts, videos, podcasts, and links to additional materials. You can start learning any time and do it at your own pace. Please note that your learning progression and performance are not stored on the course platform, but in the cache of your browser. If you wish, you may keep learning diary, where you take notes and reflect your own thoughts and learning. When you return your learning diary, you will receive a competency badge (see below for more detailed instructions).
Click and join to learn with us!

1. What is development cooperation?

3. Understanding the operating environment

2. Development cooperation by civil society organizations

4. Project planning

5. Project implementation

7. Funding the project

6. Monitoring and evaluation
Competency badge and learning diary
You can get a Competency Badge on Project Cycle Management by completing Fingo’s learning diary. In the learning diary template you will find instructions and questions that help you reflect on what you have learned in the online course. Download the learning diary template, complete it according to the instructions and return it to koulutus@fingo.fi. You will be contacted regarding the receipt of the competency badge.
Your feedback is valuable for further development of our trainings. After going through the online self-study package, you can leave feedback through this form.
Technical platform: Faros & Com, Adapt Learning
Photos: Fingo and iStock