Matchmaking Platform
Image: Days Agency

Get introduced to the Matchmaking Platform

Fingo Powerbank has published the Matchmaking Platform. The platform lists over 50 potential private sector partners for development NGOs.

The platform gives a brief introduction to each company, information about its previous experiences with NGOs and in the global south, a potential contact person, an estimation of its size and links to further information about the company. The platform includes a wide range of companies – holding expertise from solar power to maternity packages.

Check out the Matchmaking Platform

”Development NGOs can easily identify interesting private sector partners from the platform. If each organization would scan the companies by themselves, it would create large amounts of duplicate work. Besides partners, NGOs can also find suitable solutions from the platform,” says Fingo’s Innovation and Development adviser Mika Välitalo.

Välitalo emphasizes that building partnerships is critical for reaching sustainable development goals – it requires collaboration between different sectors.  

Go through the Matchmaking Platform and find suitable partners for your NGO. Fingo Powerbank’s staff is happy to help Fingo’s member organizations further – find our contact details from the website.

Initially, the companies are from Finland, but later we will add more from East Africa as well. Companies on the list have been identified via a report by a consult. If you want your company included on the list, fill in this form.

Fingo Powerbank will also organize networking events for NGOs and companies later this year.