Fingo actively implements projects related to global issues in Finland and internationally with its member organizations and other civil society actors.
Connect for Global Change
Connect for Global Change is a programme that will award grants and provide support to small and medium-sized organisations in 11 European countries. In these countries we are working together to get EU citizens, especially young people and those new to global challenges, more involved in creating an inclusive, fair and sustainable world.
Digivallan tasaajat
Although digitalisation and technology have become an integral part of our everyday lives, the tensions between democracy, digitalisation and technological development are not often addressed by NGOs or the rest of society. Fingo’s Equalizers of Digital Power (Digivallan tasaajat in Finnish) project aims to fill this gap by raising awareness about digital power and providing insights into how power can be more evenly distributed. The project is funded by Sitra.
Fingo Powerbank
Fingo Powerbank supports development NGOs in three areas: innovations, technology solutions and private sector collaboration. Powerbank organizes trainings, shares information and brings actors together – among other activities. The goal is to boost joint efforts for a sustainable world.
The Trailblazers of Global Bildung Project
The project, Trailblazers of Global Bildung, is coordinated by Fingo. The project aims to strengthen the holistic understanding of global Bildung in line with the UN Agenda 2030. The project brings together actors for peer-learning in order to develop ways to promote a globally sustainable and just future through education, culture and civic engagement. The project kicked off in early August 2021 and will end in May 2022.