Continue reading Fingo’s Letter to Commissioner Urpilainen on EU HREDD
Fingo’s Letter to Commissioner Urpilainen on EU HREDD
Fingo's letter to Jutta Urpilainen, Commissioner for International Partnerships, on EU human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD).
Continue reading Call for Fingo members: Carry out a community-driven experiment
Call for Fingo members: Carry out a community-driven experiment
Fingo Powerbank launches a new round of experiments for its member organizations and their partners in the Eastern African countries. The goal is to...
Continue reading Evaluator for Fingo’s PMEL system
Evaluator for Fingo’s PMEL system
Fingo is looking for an evaluator to design and conduct developmental evaluation of Fingo's PMEL system.
Continue reading Evaluator of Fingo Powerbank
Evaluator of Fingo Powerbank
Fingo is looking for an evaluator or team of evaluators to design and conduct an evaluation of Fingo's Powerbank-project.
Continue reading Consultant to assess policy coherence in the context of the EU Farm to Fork strategy and linkages to selected African countries’ climate adaptation and mitigation efforts
Continue reading Letter from 79 CSOs and trade unions: Defending real public country by country reporting in trialogue negotiations
Letter from 79 CSOs and trade unions: Defending real public country by country reporting in trialogue negotiations
Letter signed by 79 civil society organisations, trade unions and networks from across Europe and all regions of the world expressing our support for...
Continue reading Finnish Development NGOs Fingo calls for an immediate international response to safeguard democracy, human rights and civic space in Myanmar
Finnish Development NGOs Fingo calls for an immediate international response to safeguard democracy, human rights and civic space in Myanmar
As the umbrella organisation of 300 development organisations in Finland, Fingo strongly condemns the military coup that took place on February 1st...
Continue reading Consultant to develop an advocacy strategy and action plan on European commission staff working document Delivering on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals –A comprehensive approach