Counter with a sign that says Sign up.
Photo: Markus Sommers.

Become a member

We help our member organisations increase the impact of their work. Fingo’s members receive several benefits, such as expert advice, training and new influencing opportunities.

A Fingo membership benefits your organisation in multiple ways. We promote our members’ interests and organise different events where our members can participate and showcase their work.

Members get discounts on Fingo’s trainings and can use Fingo’s meeting rooms for free. As a member you also get access to expert advice, information about various development issues and new opportunities to increase your influence and collaborate with different people and organisations.

Take a closer look at our member benefits.

Applying the membership

Any association or foundation with legal capacity can apply for membership if their work reflects Fingo’s mission and they accept these principles in Fingo’s founding statement:

Fingo was founded on 19th June 2018 to promote global justice and sustainable development. Fingo’s work is based on the persistent work of the Finnish development sector to eradicate poverty and inequality. Following the principles of sustainable development, we wish to protect the ability of current and future generations to lead a good life within environmental boundaries. Fingo’s strength lies in its members: together we are stronger and able to make a bigger impact.

We are aware of important changes happening in our field, challenging us to search and find new partnerships and new ways of working. These include climate change and other environmental threats, increasing inequality, the narrowing space of civil society and the disputed status of multilateral collaboration. We are committed to creating new ways of working and acting in collaboration with different actors that share our main goals and values: global justice, sustainable development, human rights, equality and democracy.

Fingo’s work is guided by the ability to cooperate, openness to interaction, a courageous and innovative attitude and respect for diversity. These core principles will be implemented in all aspects of Fingo’s work.

Applying organisations must also fit Fingo’s member criteria.

Organisations wishing to apply must have been approved for Finland’s official register of associations at least one year prior to membership. New members are accepted by Fingo’s board in their meetings approximately ten times each year.

Member application

You can apply for membership with a signed member application form (pdf). You can fill out the form and send it electronically. Please do not forget to sign your application! Applications should be accompanied by the following appendices:

  • Rules of Association
  • Certificate of registration in Finland’s official Register of Associations (yhdistysrekisteriote)
  • Annual report (toimintakertomus)
  • Action plan (toimintasuunnitelma)
  • Income and expenditure statement/report (tilinpäätös)
  • Financial plan (talousarvio)

In order to participate in the World Village Festival as a member organisation of Fingo, the applicant must have been accepted as member by the end of the previous year.