For media

Do you need information about sustainable development, development policy or someone to interview? From Fingo, you can find industry experts and plenty of information about the work of around 250 member organisations. In communications we can answer questions and are happy to help to find interviewees in Finland and around the world.

Follow the versatile content on produced by our advisors and news related to the world, development, culture and environment from the World’s Pictorial Magazine.

You can also find us on BlueskyFacebookInstagramLinkedInThreadsTikTok and YouTube.

Press releases and statements

Fingo’s newest press releases and statements.

Logos and photos

From Flickr you can find Fingo’s freely downloadable images for the media and logo files below. Png-images size is 1500×744.

Basic logo (pdf)
Basic logo (png)
Full black logo without yellow ball (pdf)
Full black logo without yellow ball (png)
White logo with black background (pdf)
White logo with black background (png)
Basic logo for print materials (pdf)
Basic logo for print materials (png)

Communications’ contact information

Salla Peltonen
Director, Communications
tel. +358 50 317 6710,

Anni Valtonen
Editor in Chief, World’s Pictorial Magazine
tel. +358 50 317 6717,

See communications’ other contact information.